Monday, February 20, 2012

EDLD 5352 Web conference Reflections

I participated in several of the web conferences in this course. This course is a combination of students from both Educational Administration and Educational Technology Leadership programs. The professor appreciated everyone’s efforts in getting assignments in on time even though we all are busy with work, children, and other activities.
Dr. Abernathy always started off the conference with everyone stating the district they are currently working. I thought was helpful so that we can be able to communicate and collaborate with other classmates outside of the class setting. Each week she clarified any course issues for those who had questions. In week 5 there were question being raised about the self-evaluation which we did not have to do because it was the same as the assignment. She also stated that the week 5 assignment was our final exam and that we must submit it into TK20 as an artifact. Dr. Abernathy said it would be advantageous to take the practice LCE until we pass and that we can take it as many times as needed, as that would help in preparing for the TExES principal test. There was also a Google site given to review before taking the LCE.  I thought that she was helpful in giving us tips on all assignments so that we can all be successful future leaders. It was also discussed about taking the ILD and the cost if the student wants to be certified. I felt that the web conferences were very helpful in clarifying all assignments and gaining tips and ideas from others. I have enjoyed this course.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Technology Action Plann

Action Planning Template
Goal: To Improve Technology use by district staff
Action Steps(s):
Person(s) Responsible:
Timeline: Start/End
Needed Resources

Utilize district data to assess student academic needs and design appropriate instruction.

Principal/Assistant Principals

Classroom Teachers
Fall/Spring 2012/2013

Align with Benchmarks and district Interim Assessments


Planning Period
State assessments

District Benchmarks

School generated assessments

Teachers will be trained to utilize White Boards for class instructions.


Teacher models

Assistant Principal
Principal allocating funds from academic budget to purchase White Boards for those teachers/
departments  who don’t have one

45 minute evaluation

Familiarize teacher with Technology TEKS for students

Assistant Principal


HISD Website

Planning Period
Lesson Plans

Use of Blogs for student assignments and to communicate with stakeholders
Assistant Principals/Department Chairs
Fall 2012
Lessons Plans

Survey Monkey

Technology Checklist
Teachers and Staff are trained to use spreadsheets,
PowerPoint, Wiki, and Podcast to enhance instruction
Technologist specialist/Teacher models
Fall 2012
Computer labs

Planning Period
Creating an actual lesson using one form of technology and presenting to peers.

Peer evaluation of each other

Monday, January 30, 2012

Texas Long-Range Plan

I have learned that the Long-Range Plan is unique and dynamic. I had no idea that Texas is leading this effort and pioneering the drive to better prepare and educate our youth for tomorrow's technological world. The goal of the Long-Range Plan for Technology, 2006-2020 is to support the Mission of Texas Public Education by preparing students "for success and productivity of a lifetime learner, a world class communicator, a competitive and knowledge worker, and an engaged and contributing member of the emerging global digital society" (LPRT, p. viii). When I read this, I can't help but think that this statement applies to ALL types of students - meaning, not just those students in K-12, but also the teachers, who are lifelong students as well. In order to prepare their students well, teachers must be constant learners.

The Educator Preparation and Development Area in the LRPT describes the goals, needs, and recommendations to increase technology skills with the teachers so that the teachers can then best teach their students. The emphasis is on not just pre-service teacher development, but also on continuous professional development during teachers' careers. According to the LRPT, the key goals of this area state that all educators will:
  • graduate from teacher prep programs that model current technology instruction in PreK-12
  • exit teacher prep programs knowing how to use technology effectively in the teaching and learning processes
  • develop learning environments that uses technology as a flexible tool, where learning is collaborative, interactive, and individualized for students
  • ensure appropriate technology integration in curricula
STaR chart data trends in this area show that most of the schools statewide from the '05-'06 to '07-'08 school years have been sitting stable at the "Developing Tech" classification. What is interesting is that the biggest percentages in the "Advanced Tech" and "Target Tech" labels in this area occurred in '05-'06, with scores of 32.3% and 2.4%, respectively. What was the difference then (compared to the most current percentages of 19.9% and 0.6%, respectively)? What is because the technology was not as prevalent or advanced and so mastery of it was easier? The converse could be true as well--the technology we have now is much more advanced and the learning curve is higher...?
My goal is to go back to the classroom and create more learner-centered lessons. I also recommend for this area of the state to continue to fund technology purchases and more importantly, ongoing professional development needed for training and instruction. At the campus level, it is vital that the leaders support training, formal or informal in nature. In addition, I want to integrate technology on a daily basis instead of occasionally. I want to integrate Physical Education and technology seamlessly.

Texas STaR Chart Presentation